AABC-TBE_103Test and Balance Engineer (TBE)
All AABC member agencies must have at least one certified TBE on staff. The TBE is ultimately responsible for overseeing technical operations of the company; reviewing and certifying test and balance reports; and providing supervision and training of technicians.

To be eligible for certification as a TBE, the applying individual must have a minimum of eight (8) years test and balance experience. Applicants with engineering degrees will receive four (4) years credit toward the experience requirement.

The TBE examination is a rigorous, 8-hour written examination that tests applicants’ knowledge and technical competence in air and water balance, sound and vibration testing, fan and pump laws, instrumentation and psychometrics.

Synergy TAB credential holders: Glenn Miller Jr. and Todd Yates

Test and Balance Technician (TBT)
AABC requires that all eligible technicians employed by member agencies be certified. Eligible technicians are defined as those with a minimum of three (3) years test and balance experience who have been employed by an AABC agency for the past 12 months.

In addition, technicians must be competent in air, water, sound, and vibration testing. Technicians must also be able to perform all work in accordance with the AABC National Standards. The final requirement for certification is that technicians pass the required examination.

Technicians who receive a passing score on the certification examination are issued a Technician certification number and an Annual Certificate. Technician certification is renewable on an annual basis, and is only valid while employed by an AABC member firm.

Candidates for technician certification undergo intensive field training in addition to classroom instruction. Each AABC member agency is responsible for the administration of in-house training programs for their employees.

Synergy TAB credential holders: Todd Miller and Corey Thomasson